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Sep 5, 2022

Gas Station Pizza Review - Circle K in Davenport

Circle K Convenience Store
101 Polo Park Blvd E, Davenport, FL 33897

I hit up Circle K just after they put out freshly baked pizza for lunch. Their pizza was housed in one of those rotating carousels, so I let it spin until finding a slice that looked suitable for consumption. 

I've got to say, I love the single slice to-go boxes that many convenience stores now offer. It's a much better way to transport your slices, versus other options such as open trays or paper plates.

At first glance, the pizza looked similar to a run of the mill frozen pizza, with muddled looking cheese and thin pepperoni.

The top view reminded me of a pizza crust you might see on a freshly made pie from a pizzeria. That being said, I assure you this was the only shared similarity to a proper pizzeria crust. 

There was a tiny bit of browning on the under crust, but nothing that would even come close to a char. I did notice something odd while eating this slice though. 

While the crust was piping hot and steamy, I really got no recognizable aroma from it, and very little bready flavor. 

What's more.. between bites, all I got was a weird yeasty aftertaste in my mouth. I searched for flavor in the crust, but I simply couldn't find it. Sadly, the cheese didn't have enough flavor to cover the sins of the crust.

Something that kept diverting my attention, was how soft and mushy the crust was directly underneath the tomato sauce. 

The sauce tended to overpower the crust, which in this particular case was a good thing. The pepperoni while thin, tasted decent and redeemed the slice a wee bit more

The pizza seemed a bit undercooked and had a definite level of mushiness beneath the sauce. This may have been remedied with a crust par bake at the factory, or by cooking it for just a little longer in the Circle K ovens. 

In my personal experience, a super hot oven helps to avoid this headache, so maybe it was a problem in regards to heating capabilities at this particular store.

Pizza Geezer Rating..
1.5 out of 5 slices

This slice very well could have received a two slice rating, if not for that weird flavor of the crust. Would I try Circle K pizza again? Certainly! But not until I expunge the memory of that strange aftertaste.